AESTHETIC-the qualities that combine to make something look the way it does. I am drawn to this photo because of the colors the fog and the reflection of the rock in the green water. CAMERA OBSCURA- a black-out chamber with a small hole through which light gets compressed. EXPOSURE - a length of time light enters the camera. OVEREXPOSURE - too much light UNDEREXPOSURE - too little light FOCAL POINT - the center of interest/activity. EXPOSURE TRIANGLE APERTURE- The opening into the camera. SHUTTER- the mechanism that allows light to enter the camera for precise periods of time. ISO- the sensitivity (to light) of the sensor/film FIRST PHOTO OF A PERSON - 1838 BY LOUIS DAGUERRE ART THEORY & AESTHETICS: CONTRAST: the difference between light and dark VALUE: the intensity of a color (or the BW.) HUE: the color . TINT: adding white to a hue. SHADE: adding black to a hue. ...